November and December is the time for rose shows and displays throughout New Zealand. Rose enthusiasts look forward to this time of the year as they show off their blooms to fellow rose lovers. There are a wide range of classes in which roses are entered from the more formal 'one bloom per vase' through to novelty classes where imaginations can run wild around various themes. No matter what your preference is, there is something for everyone to … [Read more...]
Rose Trial winners 2016
The awards for Trial 46 (2014 - 16) at the New Zealand Rose Society International Trials were presented on December 4th at the Dugald Mackenzie Rose Gardens in Palmerston North. A panel of 20 judges have assessed around 40 entries from New Zealand and overseas rose breeders (via their New Zealand agents) over a range of categories including freedom of flowering, health, plant quality, flower quality and fragrance. Certificates of Merit are … [Read more...]
2016 – 17 New Zealand Rose Review
On sale now, the Rose Review is your full-colour guide to the newer roses sold in the nurseries and garden centres around New Zealand. Rose nurseries also feature their latest releases. An essential guide if you are wanting to plant some roses in your garden today or order ahead for winter 2017. As advertised in the Kiwi Gardener magazine. For further information and to order your copy, click here Advertisers for 2016 - 17 Amore … [Read more...]
2016 Rose Pruning Demonstrations
Its almost rose pruning time in New Zealand so its time to think about pruning yours – roses are usually pruned between late June and mid August depending on where you live. Despite what is often said or written about rose pruning being difficult, it is actually very easy provided a few basic principles are followed. If you are not sure on what to do with your roses, one of the best ways to learn is to attend a pruning demonstration that many … [Read more...]
Free flowering, healthy roses feature among winning roses
New rose varieties that produce lots of flowers and get less disease topped the New Zealand Rose Society International Trial Awards in Palmerston North in early December with an orange rose ‘Fireball’ coming out on top. Bred by Rob Somerfield of Glenavon Roses in Tauranga, ‘Fireball’ received the top award of the trials, the Gold Star of the South Pacific. “It’s a great variety with lots of flowers and a very healthy plant” said Mr Somerfield … [Read more...]
New Zealander a leader in the rose world
New Zealand has maintained its position as a leader in the rose world with several awards and appointments at the World Rose Convention held in Lyon, France. Three New Zealanders were recognised with awards for their service to the rose. Mr Peter Elliott of Palmerston North was presented with the World Federation of Rose Societies Silver Medal for service to the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS). Mr Elliott has served as one of the … [Read more...]
April – White Romance
It’s been a while since we featured a white rose so for this month, we feature one of the best new white roses of the last 10 years to come onto the market in New Zealand. Some say it’s destined to be the best white floribunda grown in New Zealand, already ranking 4th among the top favourite floribundas as voted by rose society members for 2014. ‘White Romance’ is a wonderful rose both in the garden and on the show bench, producing a great … [Read more...]
National Autumn Rose Show 2015
The Waikato Rose Society hosted the 2015 National Autumn Rose Show 'Shades of Autumn' from March 13th -15th at the Hamilton Gardens Pavillion in Hamilton. Rosarians from around the country, particularly those from the upper North Island brought their best blooms to compete in various classes. The convention dinner was held among the roses on Saturday night while a bus trip on Sunday visited Tauranga and included a visit to noted rose breeder Rob … [Read more...]
May – Sexy Rexy
30 years ago, a rose was released that caused a bit of a stir in the world of roses because of its name. This month we feature it as one of the best floribunda roses of all time and one that even those with a passing knowledge of roses even know about! “How could they name a rose like that” was commonly heard at the time. We can only be talking about ‘Sexy Rexy’, one of the most popular floribunda roses and still widely grown around the world … [Read more...]
November – Pacific Glory
November is upon us which means only one thing – plenty of roses starting to bloom all around New Zealand. … [Read more...]