To kick off 2013, we feature something slightly different both in terms of colour and fragrance but well worth growing.
Matawhero Magic is a Hybrid Tea rose that has been around for a while now and is a good all-round performer. An upright growing plant of good health, it will find its way into any garden situation and also does well as a standard.
The blooms, while not large, come on good stems for picking and can be best described as a bronze orange colour – fit it in with yellow and orange roses for best effect. Burying your nose into the blooms reveal a strong musky perfume that delights.
Named for Matawhero Winery near Gisborne and bred by none other than Sam McGredy from two of his well known roses Spek’s Centennial and New Year. It is known overseas as ‘Top Notch’ and ‘Simply the Best’.