The Society welcomes all rose and garden enthusiasts with all different levels of knowledge. We are there to help, encourage and enjoy each other’s company amongst the roses. Below are most of the benefits of being a member. There is no age barrier to being part of the Society.
Membership benefits:-
Bay of Plenty Rose Society Newsletter
Special offers and discounts
New Zealand Rose Society Rose Experts Guide
New Zealand Rose Review
New Zealand Rose Annual
Meetings and Pruning Demonstrations
Free advice from Consulting Rosarians
Guest Speakers
Local Rose Show
New Zealand Rose Society National Conventions
Members’ meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The meetings are advertised in the monthly newsletter with date, time and venue.
Secretary – Janice McKeany – 0279476500 –
The Bay of Plenty Rose Society annual Spring Show will be held on the 2nd November 2024. This is to be held at the Wesley Methodist Church hall, 100 13th Avenue, Tauranga. Open to the public from 11am – 4pm.
Entry fee is $3.00 and children free. EFTPOS will be available as is cash. There will be tea and coffee to purchase also.
To add to your visit to the Bay of Plenty Rose Show on the 2nd November, there will be a demonstration on how to ‘Bonsai a Rose’ by Ryan from Palmers Welcome Bay, Tauranga, starting at 1pm.
Now that should be something not to be missed.
Look forward to seeing you one and all at the Show.